Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 26

Title- Super Koopa (12/1/1990)

Worlds- Grass Land, Paris

This is the final episode of the series, and I gotta say it’s pretty good, even if I feel ‘7 Continents for 7 Koopa’s’ should have been the finale. I mean Koopa finally finds a way to just straight forwardly take the Mario Bros down and even gets them to a place where they can’t get any powerups.

The fight was pretty good for this show, I mean it won’t hold a candle to The Spectacular Spiderman or BTAS, but then you’d be pretty crazy to expect that anyway. Still the sheer amount of powerups used are pretty cool.

The only problem with this episode is the DVD has a huge chunk of it corrupted, apparently due to the Master tape being that way when they got it. Finally you can’t mention this episode without the Kuribo (or karubi) shoe. It’s pretty cool and as it’s only episode it’s adds to the mix well. Overall a great episode.

And that’s it. This is my favourite Mario series and I’m sad that it became so bad in the next series. I admit it’s hardly Batman The Animated Series, nor even Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But I enjoyed it, despite how bad the texture errors were and the often flawed logic. It’s all good fun. (Well except ‘Life’s Ruff’)

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 25

Title- The Venice Menace (12/1/1990)

Worlds- Desert Land, Venice

Well we’re at the series final two-parter, and this is one of my favourite episodes. It’s not a true final episode, nor even a role reversal as I mentioned before, it’s just the Mario bros on their own, saving Venice in Italy. This is the only episode where Mario’s ever been to Italy and it’s great. I love the whole feeling something ‘in his bones’ thing Mario has going, and we see the Doomsub return, showing the writers do actually have somewhat of a memory.

We also get many cameos in the underwater part and later on. I love the scene where the place they’re staying is taken underwater during the night. The boat chase is pretty good as well.

Finally I gotta say I love the fact that the Mario bros mostly wear Gondolier outfits throughout most of the episode. Overall a great episode which actually puts Mario finally in his second home country.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 24

Title- Recycled Koopa (11/24/1990)

Worlds- Grass Land, Brooklyn

The second in the ‘important message’ duo, this episodes mainly meant to teach kids about not dumping litter or else you’ll all get turned into Koopa Zombies… Yeah… well the message isn’t really that well done at all, and I mean compared to the last episode, so I’m not saying it’s stupid compared to other cartoons from the era. Other than that though the episode was good, and the Koopa Zombies were actually pretty creepy, I mean in comparison to most things in this show. Also I loved the sort of dirtier animation in this episode, especially during the chase through Brooklyn.

Speaking of which, I think this is the only real episode set there in this series (it was sort of visited in Misadventures in Babysitting) so it was nice seeing the Mario Bros home actually being attacked.

Finally, was the Statue of Liberty talking really necessary? I mean I thought Mario finally had all the mushrooms getting to him. Overall an ok episode, even if the message is if you litter people will become Koopa Zombies….

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 23

Title- True Colors (11/24/1990)

Worlds- Grass Land, Dark Land

This episode’s about Racism, and to be honest it’s pretty good. I mean it’s silly in that 80’s/90’s cartoon style but it’s all good fun and is a quite good message the fact that dropping paint which changes people’s colour doesn’t change who they are, and neither does their skin colour define who they are. Also the fact that it almost destroys the Mushroom Kingdom through a civil war is pretty good too.

Anyway, I also enjoyed the invasion at the start of the episode and seeing Koopa’s actual fleet of Doomships as opposed to the usual one large one. Finally I loved the fact Koopa was too tired to actually make the plan work anyway, and leaves his kids at the end when he falls asleep and can’t hear them.

Overall a pretty fun episode with a message that isn’t as pretentious as some cartoons make them. Also gotta love that face Mario makes at the very end, it’s like he stares into your soul…

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 22

Title- 7 Continents for 7 Koopas (11/17/1990)

Worlds- Pipe Land, Earth

I have a feeling that this was originally envisioned as the series finale. This is the ultimate episode just as Germ Wars was for Captain N and Friends to the End was for the Indigo saga of Pokemon. That’s because this episode features a point where the Princess who’s usually being saved by the Mario Bros, saves them and in turn saves the entire world. Basically we get a pretty epic attack from Koopa. He sends all 7 kids to Earth’s 7 continents to wreak havoc. As such we get them doing various things, some petty such as Bully graphitying the Great Wall of China, to more destructive ends such as Hop cutting down the amazon (or maybe some other forest) to make a giant Car park.

Also fun is the way they use enemies such as Bob-ombs and a Chain Chomp to capture the Princess. There were a couple of annoying points. The part where Mario makes the Great wall turn into a dragon which chases away Bully actually would create more havoc than Bully’s original plan. Also the animation goofs with the tv screens are extremely noticeable.

Overall a great episode with a real epic feel. This episode has some real fun moments.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 21

Title- Up, Up, and a Koopa (11/17/1990)

Worlds- Grass Land, Sky Land

I love cities in the clouds. Laputa, Cloud City, the City in the Sky (Twilight Princess). So I really enjoyed this episode. Koopa and Kooky are going around zapping everything from Grass Land (or the Mushroom Kingdom, I could never tell) into the sky.

One thing I found really pretty funny was the unsuprised look most of the Mushroom People have. I mean you can tell they’re so used to Koopa’s attacks they just put up with them. Also Emporer Ed flattening Toad was pretty funny.

Also fun was the only appearance of the P wing. I gotta admit, it’s strange that the Tanooki suit never appeared yet we get the P wing. Still probably was easier to draw than a whole outfit. I also love Koopa’s usual attitude throughout of gloating about how he’s won. Makes you wonder if he did ever beat the Mario Bros whether he’d ever actually do anything other than continuously gloat whilst one of his kids takes over.

Overall a great episode which shows us a bit about Sky Land. Also I love that Music when they drop Emporer Ed back at his palace.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 20

Title- Life’s Ruff (11/10/1990)

Worlds- Ice Land

Why did it have to be this way? Luigi has been in every episode of this show, and even has this, his solo episode. I’ve always liked Luigi, even in this show, so I expected a great episode. This one had everything. It followed the game as the King of the land was turned into an animal by Hip and Hop (one of which was actually the boss of this world in the game) The only appearance of Lakitu, and not even Koopa (don’t get my wrong, the guy’s great but in every episode?) And yet this episode sucks so bad, that it’s unfunny.

Heck the King even has depth, he’s a miserable bully who feels superior to all, although he seems to respect Luigi. But that is all thrown out the window once the pair get turned into dogs. Actually I tell a lie. The chase through Ice land is pretty good, as dogs or not, it’s after that the real suckage comes in.

Luigi and the King basically spend the rest of the episode running around the real world after Hip and Hop. They have some random dog catcher chasing them, and that’s about it. They go into some country club, then the Koopalings hijack a car to try to get on board some random rocketship. Then at the end Luigi uses the wand to make everyone around fall asleep and the dog catcher gets turned into a dog, before being turned back. I guess at least the King changes his ways, so something feels achieved, but other than that? I mean I know this is a little kids show, so I’m expecting too much, but the names Super Mario Bros, not Super Luigi Dog, so I expect to at least have a Mario plotline take up the majority of the episode.

Overall I’d say this episode really reminds me of Sonic Unleashed. There’s everything you want here, but it’s drowned out by the main character being changed into something they’re not and it taking over the whole episode(/game).

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 19

Title- Crimes R Us (11/10/1990)

Worlds- Dark Land, Grass Land

I really like this episode. It’s good to have a straight out villain other than Koopa and the idea of him wanting to ‘give his kids the chance he never had’ by getting the worst criminal on Earth to tutor them’s pretty hilarious to me. Also Clyde’s comment at the end was pretty funny too.

I read that people say it’s uncharacteristic of Cheatsy to give the kid his money back after he tricked the Mario Bros, but I think that if he’s following Clyde’s plan then that would be in character, as Clyde would think that if the kid didn’t get back the coin, then he’d tell others that even if they do what the Koopa’s say they won’t keep their word. Or maybe I’m thinking too hard about a kid’s cartoon.

Overall a great episode which is real fun to watch, especially the bank heist.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 18

Title- The Ugly Mermaid (11/3/1990)

Worlds- Water Land

I never really saw this episode, despite it being supposed to be aired with the Mush-rumours one, but Channel 4 really aired these in weird order, even airing Super Mario World episodes with them sometimes. Anyway, this episode’s pretty good. It’s a typical ‘hero faces greatest fear episode’ but it’s done pretty well.

I especially liked the fact that they realise that with the frogsuit they can pretty much breath under water so they instead make him become encased in concrete, which I’m guessing blocks the gills of the suit (although I’m probably way over analysing this). I also really liked the Doomsub, and the fact it actually reappears later in another episode is awesome. The final main thing I enjoyed about this episode was King Mackerel, don’t ask me why, but if Water Land needs a king, why not a fishman?

Of course the fish men brings me onto the main downpoints of the episode. Firstly the annoying Holly Mackerel, although I guess that was the point but still her voice screeched too much for even an intentional annoyance. Secondly, why are the Fish men living in a city of air when they need water to breath (I mean they even where fishbowl helmets so they can breath, which makes then unable to see well.) I mean the only reason is the plot of the episode is about Mario’s newfound fear of water and so they couldn’t show that without a water free place for Mario to hide. But the fact the people start panicking when Koopa springs a leak in the dome is too much, even for this show.

I suppose overall this is a bad episode, which is a real shame as it’s Water Lands only real episode, and there are good points, but the Merpeople(?) really are too much.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 17

Title- Mush-Rumors (11/3/1990)

Worlds- Grass land, Dark Land, Kansas

I don’t need to re-watch this episode as I have it etched into my brain. This is one of the most common episodes Channel 4 showed when I was a kid, and it’s still one of my favourites to this day. The family are alright, but Norman’s probably my favourite. I just like the way he threatens Koopa that he’ll report him to the national health board (or something) and stuff like that.

I also like the whole part with the Mushroomers believing that the family were aliens (as really they were) and the comment about how they even have hair on their heads. Koopa’s another fun part of this episode, as is the Doomships assault on the lake, and we get another appearance of the frog suit.

Overall I really like this episode and it’s one of the best of the series.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 16

Title- Kootie Pie Rocks (10/27/1990)

Worlds- Grass land, Dark Land, America?

This episodes pretty funny in an ironic way, as it’s the only guest stars in the show, and they apparently were found out to be lip-syncers only about two weeks after this episode aired, which meant that all future reruns had the songs edited out. As such the episode I have is pretty hilarious as they replaced the music with the generic music that they use in other episodes, so instead we get two lip-syncers moving their mouths while instrumental music plays.

Anyway, beyond that, this episode seems to be treated as a very special one, as the usual intro map isn’t used and the Grass land music sounds quite different (apparently it’s played with a down tempo mix.) but really it’s one of my least favourite, which is funny as I didn’t see it as a kid and so it always felt like a rare episode which I’d never get to see, which usually makes me savour it later when I actually see it. Anyway Kooper himself was pretty funny here, as were the Mario bros various outfits (especially as the backup band with mops on their heads)

Overall I’ve said a lot about this episode but really, it’s my second least favourite, and other than a couple of funny moments, it’s pretty dull.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 15

Title- Do the Koopa (10/27/1990)

Worlds- Grass land, Dark Land, Desert Land (cameo), Giant Land (cameo)

This episode’s pretty good. The fact that they took something from the games (the music box) and made it into this powerful artefact is pretty cool, and the ‘Temple of Gloom’ was pretty fun with the Dry Bones and Koopa statues (Which begs the question why he has statues of himself in this long lost temple with this powerful object, but anyway)

I also liked the part with all the dancing people of various lands, and the only appearance in this series of actual Koopa Troopers. (I know, crazy) Also another appearance of a silent Boom Boom. Considering he’s about as common as Robotnik from the old Sonic games in SMB3 I’m glad they realise that and make him appear for when a real threat is needed.

Finally I find Koopa’s cold a great way of making him invincible against the Music box, and I liked the fact Bully Koopa had somewhat of an actual large role, as in trying to take over. Overall a great episode.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 and all characters within are trademarked to thier respective owners.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 14

Title- Misadventures in Babysitting (10/20/1990)

Worlds- Grass land, Brooklyn

I like this episode, despite how annoying JR was. I liked the parents and the way his Mum’s voice changes once she’s in the car. But the main point I liked was the sign of how dangerous the Mushroom Kingdom is. One of my loves of games is how there are towns and anywhere outside them is full of monsters and villains. I mean the way we got from the last episode squarely in Toad Town I’m guessing (only as it’s where Toad’s house is and the only town really shown in the Mushroom Kingdom) to this grass plane with various Ptooies and Boomerang Bros running around is really cool.

Also it’s nice to Brooklyn again, even if it’s only briefly. I love how proud the Mario Bros are of their heritage in this show, I mean if they’re going to be stereotypes, at least make them proud stereotypes. The appearance of Boom Boom was a great joy to me as even now he’s long forgotten, just like Chargin’ Chuck.

Finally I gotta say it’s weird Mario calling JR a plumbers helper as he essentially caused all the danger and then cried when he felt it was too much. Overall a great episode despite JR. Also gotta love his mum just accepting them throwing JR in the bath with his clothes still on.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 13

Title- A Toadally Magical Adventure (10/20/1990)

Worlds- Grass land, Sky Land

This episode’s pretty good now I rewatch it. I mean Toad’s slightly annoying in the way he creates the problem, but he makes up for it, but other than that it’s fun. I like the fact that the episode starts with someone other than the Mario bros, as it makes you realise there are other people in the Mushroom Kingdom.

I also find the Wizard guy humorous waiting 50 years for a wand just to cook Weenies on. Also a Chockload of Cameos, the jumping Blocks, the Nipper plant, the Boomerang bros and the fact that Koopa planned the whole taking the wand thing.

It’s also nice to have an introduction to another King’s helper, although the Wizard is King of a world not in the games, but it’s still cool to see every world has a helper for the regent (eg. The Princess and Toad.) Overall a pretty good episode.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 12

Title- Misadventure of Mighty Plumber (10/13/1990)

Worlds- Grass land, Pipe Land

Another Pipe Land episode. I liked the various cameos here. I mean we actually see Hip rolling on a ball. I gotta say I love the part where the Piranha plant shoots out the message for the Mario Bros. Seeing Pipeland again and hearing the actual theme is cool, especially as the theme is actually even more awesome than the games theme.

The idea of a rival Plumber is actually really fun, especially the Indiana Jones look-alike. It’s something I wish we could see in a new Mario game, Wario VS Mario in a race for some object. I loved the Pipe Battering ram trick. Also the appearance of the Mario and Luigi dart boards from the last episode is a welcome reappearance.

Finally I gotta say I loved the idea of the Mario Bros learning all their moves from a TV show, kinda adds to the whole everyday man in a strange world feel of Mario. Overall a great episode.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 11

Title- Oh Brother! (10/13/1990)

Worlds- Grass land, Pipe Land

I quite like this episode. Luigi gets an actual episode in which he saves the day (something he rarely got) and we get a few cameos. Kooky gets another starring role, and actually has quite a good plan. I mean those coins aren’t really doing anything there, and so why shouldn’t he take them? I suppose the point is that with the money there’d be even more Koopa could add to his army.

Anyway I like the fact that being stuck together is what causes the fallout between the brothers, and that we get to see that Mario’s a more dancing Music kinda guy, whereas Luigi’s a quiet reader. Also the first appearance of the Frog suit. I like the way they treat it like a rain coat. Also we get the first real underwater sequence (with various cameos). Another funny point is that Mario’s actually listening to one of the Koopa Kid’s songs.

Finally I gotta say, the way Mario fights Luigi is really quite violent, I mean trying to crack his skull open with a wrench as opposed to just using a fire flower. Also I liked the ending. Overall a great episode.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 10

Title- Tag Team Trouble (10/6/1990)

Worlds- Grass land

I love this episode. We get an episode that’s purely about a misunderstanding and also get an actual full on fight. There’s everything in this episode, cameos (the Sledge Bros), a wrestling match, some awesome side characters (The Masked Marauder and Jake the crusher Fungi) and even WHAT’S UNDER TOADS HAT. I can’t help but be reminded of the Glitz Pitz in PM2 when I see the wrestling match, and it’s fun to see Cheatsy attempt to fix the fight.

I also love the training montage with the pretty catchy song. Toads part is fun as well with the whole twist that he’s completely got the wrong end of the stick and essentially didn’t need to do anything. I also love how Koopa can just turn up in the Mushroom Kingdom and enter a wrestling competition despite the fact that he’s essentially public enemy no.1. It actually kinda goes with the way he’s in all the Mario Sports games.
Finally I gotta say I love the first appearance of the starman, especially the catchy music with it, as well as the running out of time sound from the Mario games as the rings Music cue. Overall a really great episode and one of my favourites.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 9

Title- Dadzilla (10/6/1990)

Worlds- Hollywood, Grass land (Dark Land cameo)

This episodes pretty fun actually. It’s the most common one on TV so I got a bit sick of it, but there are quite a few good moments. We get the first appearance of Fire Mario, and to be honest sometimes I prefer this version to the modern one. I mean Mario looks like he’s actually on fire which is pretty cool. Also fun is that the Princess refers to Hollywood as the ‘Hollywood Kingdom’. Helps show she is actually an alien.

Madzilla was pretty good actually. I mean he wasn’t just a mindless monster and didn’t even get a kick out of destroying. He just wanted to sleep. It made the Koopalings seem even more evil. Speaking of which, we get the first true appearance of Big Mouth, a character who I always thought actually seemed slightly… in the closet. Maybe it’s just my own prejudicial view of guys who hang around with girls mainly a lot more, but most who do who I know have turned out to be gay. Big Mouth is quite a fun character anyway due to his over dramatising of everything and his long rants which over exaggerate every situation.

Gotta say I loved the appearance of Madzilla’s Mum, and the fact the Koopalings forced Madzilla to make them into stars, which resulted in an actual reason for the Koopalings usual singing. One thing I liked about this show is there wasn’t any teenage character created for the show (eg. Although he wasn’t a teenager, Sonic X’s Chris Thorndyke, F-zero GP legend’s Rick Wheeler) and the only supposed teenagers were actually the villains, which was refreshing.

Overall a pretty good episode, although once again little from the games is shown.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 8

Title- Toddler Terrors of time travel (9/29/1990)

Worlds- Dark Land, Brooklyn

It’s funny, that there are so many coincidences about this show which are actually linked to the games. This is the first appearance of Baby Mario, Luigi and Bowser (although the Super Show may have actually done this first). Pretty funny really. Anyway the episode itself is ok. It’s a fun jaunt provided you don’t worry about the whole time travel aspect (you are watching a Mario cartoon and reading this on a website about said Mario cartoon so I would of thought you wouldn’t be too worried) It’s fun to see the references to the original show such as the ending and the whole sucked down a drain thing.
Kooky’s idea of pretending to be costumed plumbers was actually pretty good, as most shows would just ignore the fact they’re giant reptiles dressed as plumbers. Also Kooky gets two episodes in a row, still he deserved it as he’s one of the more interesting ones. Overall pretty fun but doesn’t really follow the game much.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 7

Title- Reign Storm (9/29/1990)

Worlds- Grass Land, Hawaii

I like this episode. It’s one I never really got the chance to see as a kid as my tape was taped over, and channel 4 stopped showing it. More Cameos in this episode including Boo-Diddlys and a Bob-omb. I liked the whole part of Princess Toadstall being shown as important, as she’s rarely in the spotlight. The Robo Princess was actually kinda convincing, unlike robots in most cartoons.

I really liked the way that we get a look at the Mushroom Kingdom’s working. People actually jump over all those dangerous platforms to travel. I gotta say it’s pretty funny watching Princess Toadstall surf in and use a harpoon on Koopa. Also this is Kooky’s first episode as a main Koopaling. He’s at his best here, creating the Roboprincess, and following it up, whereas his previous appearances he really just created the Nice Guy potion.

In conclusion a pretty good episode that focuses on the Princess’s importance.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 6

Title- Never Koopa a Koopa (9/22/1990)

Worlds- Grass Land, Dark Land

Following the theme from the last episode, this episode is also mainly in Dark Land and is another of my favourites. I like that we finally get a look at Kastle Koopa and see a lot more cameos. The Thwomps pretty funny, as his whole purpose in life is to crush people so he’s pretty pissed when he misses. Also the strangely armed Bob-ombs (in SMB3 they didn’t have arms, whereas they did in SMB2) Finally you gotta love the motley welcome hall with all the Koopa Kids pictures staring down on you.

One thing I always laughed at, was how much like King K-Rool Koopa looks with the cape, funnier still is that in the last Mario series Koopa dressed up in various guises, just as K-Rool does in the games. Finally I gotta mention Cheatsy’s betrayal. Well I guess he’s his father’s son. Also a couple of funny other points, they drink wine at the start of the episode, kinda funny considering the villain in the Pokemon anime has his wine edited to water and yet the HEROES who are meant to be role models in this show drink wine.

Anyway, about the actual episode itself. It’s a pretty weird thing that the princess would turn essentially the most evil place in the world into a retirement home. Also I liked the way Luigi and Toad were there for backup and just got kidnapped anyway. In conclusion a fun episode, especially all the enemies who appear in Koopa’s Castle.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 5

Title- Princess Toadstool for President (9/22/1990)

Worlds- Grass Land, Dark Land

I love this episode. It’s got everything, cameos, Koopa at his best, even Dark Land. Let’s go through the plot which I’ve read is a direct copy of a similar Sonic episode. Basically Koopa wants to take over the Mushroom Kingdom with a couple of giant Para Goombas. Why not? Anyway, Mario and Luigi literally crush his plans and the Princess challenges Koopa to an election. Koopa egotistical as he is, accepts. Koopa remains the centre of attention which is usually taken over by his kids in other episodes, but this time it’s about Koopa. Seeing Koopa as a nice guy’s pretty funny, he looks as though he’s high lol.

We get to see a lot more of Dark Land too, which is all of the baddies country. This means we get to see Koopa’s tank force with some Rocky Wrenches, then down the pipe into the fire pit which has Fire Chomps, Fire Snakes and even one of those candle flames that chase you when your backs turned.

Also I love the violence involved in the election, I mean the princess nearly gets crushed to death.

Overall this is one of the best episodes of the show and features much of Dark Land that you’d never usually see. It also goes well with it’s partnered episode.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 4

Title- The Beauty of Kootie (9/15/1990)

Worlds- Desert Land

This episodes the better one in Desert Land. We actually meet the ruler Sultan and have a good old fashioned Koopa battle. Koopa’s plan is to take all the Sultans oil without him knowing and he sends Kootie Pie and Cheatsy Koopa to get it. Cheatsy’s always been an asshole, he’s probably the worst of Koopa’s kids with practically zero abilities yet he still manages to cause the most trouble. This time he uses his own sister to seduce Mario and trick them all into a prison cell. If Kootie Pie wasn’t so stupid as to fall for the exact same trick with Luigi they would of won. Luigi’s the master of disguise, I thought at first they had a different voice actor doing his impression of Casanova but it was him.

Also we later see Koopa’s good old army again. Boomerang Bros and Fire Chomps this time, but they get beaten easily, then Koopa uses the Doomship’s fire power to level the Sultan’s palace. This is the Doomship at it’s best, lasers, fire, the works.

Overall this is a pretty action packed episode and a great introduction to Cheatsy Koopa.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 3

Title- Mind your mummy mommy, Mario (9/15/1990)

Worlds- Desert Land

Yeah, I like this episode, although there are a couple of real quibbles which wouldn’t matter if they weren’t mentioned. I’ll get them out of the way first. Toad’s House is now for some reason in Desert Land, now I can accept that, as Toad in the games has huts everywhere, or at least there are Toad houses (I don’t think it’s the same Toad in each one.) But why is Kastle Koopa also in Desert Land? It would be acceptable to think that Koopa’s using his fortress in Desert Land if they didn’t specifically say it’s in Dark Land.

Right, ranting over. Anyway, Hip and Hop… hmm… they’re supposed to be annoying being Koopalings an’ all and they’re in most of my least favourite episodes, but I don’t dislike them, they do what they’re there for, they nick a sarcophagus they don’t needlessly get the centre of attention, they just try to impress Koopa, who loves the fact his two youngest whipped Mario and Luigi. The Mummy queen was annoying, she was cool when she was flipped and smashing things but she’s so thick, I mean even more than most the characters in the show, she just doesn’t listen to anything.

The main character I actually liked was the map dude, he has all the makings of an annoying character but he rocked, I mean what could be uncool about a guy who sits in a chair in the middle of the desert selling maps all day? Another cool coincidence is that he and all the other people in Desert Land actually match the desert Toads who later appear in Paper Mario.

Overall a good episode and a nice use of Desert Land.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 2

Title- Reptiles in the Rose Garden (9/8/1990)

Worlds- Dark Land, America

A new feature to this show was the introduction of warpways to the real world (Earth) This was a way of the show getting away with so many American accents… I mean familiarising itself to the kids. Yeah. Still they didn’t lay it on thick as some cartoons do ‘cough’ Sonic X ‘weeze’

Kootie Pie makes her first true appearance here, in this case it’s her birthday and she wants America as a present (Don’t ask me why) So Koopa does what any loving parent would and loads his ultra cool Doomship with shock troops of Goombas and Sledge Bros. This is the Doomships first appearance in the show, with it’s cool music and ton of weapons and troops it quickly became a favourite of mine. The president seemed totally oblivious to anything going on around him since he just sat on the phone. Dark land was it’s usual dark and gloomy self but wasn’t really explored much.

Now the reason I love this episode is because it’s a prime example of what there is to like about the show. Koopa’s being made to look a loser due to him trying to constantly please his kid, the kid really deserves a kicking and the amount of cameos. There’s fire bros, boomerang bros, chain chomps, Sledge Bros and Mario and Luigi wear what looks like the Hammer suit although they only use it as a disguise and don’t throw hammers, but considering how rare the suit is in the game, this is nice, it almost makes up for the Tanooki suit never appearing.

Overall a great episode which has many cool cameos and a good introduction to some of the more numerous villains.

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 1

Title- Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas (September 8, 1990)

New/Guest Voices
Walker Boone - Mario
Tony Rosato - Luigi
Tracey Moore - Princess Toadstool (Peach)
John Stocker - Toad, Boomerang Bros, Fire Bros, Thwomp and Paragoombas
Harvey Atkin - King Bowser Koopa
Tara Strong - Lemmy "Hip" Koopa and Iggy "Hop" Koopa (credited as "Tara Charendoff")
Paulina Gillis - Wendy "Kootie Pie" Koopa
James Rankin - Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
Dan Hennessey - Roy "Bully" Koopa, Angry Sun and Sledge Bros
Michael Stark - Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
Gordon Masten - Morton "Big Mouth" Koopa Jr.
Louise Vallance - Ptooey
Ernie Anderson - Opening Narrator

Worlds- Giant Land

Well this new show is a follow up to the Super Mario Bros Super Show which is usually the more popular show out of all the Mario series. I grew up with this show and although the super show is a great show, I still prefer this show, mainly because of it’s faithful interpretation of the game. This show made the Mushroom Kingdom, the Mushroom Kingdom, not spaghetti land or whatever from the Super Show. It was always fun looking to see which world they’d do next.

This episode is obviously a pilot as there’s more attention to the sounds and the overall episode is very smooth moving. The Koopa Kids, the main addition to this show are a great addition, they give Koopa his henchmen and are in some ways, more sinister than Koopa himself. Koopa has become a basic king now, rather than a guy who kept donning new costumes and identities, he stays as Koopa here.

Voice actors, now whilst I admit Captain Lou was great as Mario, I feel that Walker Boone still does a good job with the character, he’s believable and fits Mario, also his voice sounds quite cynical a lot which is good. Luigi is played well by Tony Rosato too and they work quite well. Tracey Moore does well as Princess Toadstool too, she doesn’t seem as spacey as Jeannie Elias Jeannie Elias did. Finally Toad and Koopa have their original voice actors which pleases me as Harvey Atkin is Koopa to me, John Stocker sounds like Toad did in Mario Kart 64 which made me believe that this was really how he was meant to be, to be honest, I prefer this voice to the current game Toads, it’s not often I say that.

To the episode itself, Koopa’s throwing his weight around here, humiliating the new Giant Land’s king, and deciding to take each land over. The Mario bros facing the Angry Sun was great, and we get to see the first suit of the series, the Racoon suit of course! The episode is good fun and a great start to the series, sadly it’s the only episode in Giant Land, although Giant Land has a few references later in the series. The ninja turtle Koopa kids were good and were an effective way of them taking over Giant Land.

Overall a good first episode, but not outstanding, the series gets much better later but it’s still fun to watch for now. The music (even the Koopa Kids song) is great in this episode. The main problem with this series is the constant mistakes with colours and lip sync, these are small though and can usually be overlooked… well ok, that’s a lie, they’re pretty huge, but somehow I never notice dodgy parts unless I’m specifically looking for them. There’s great stuff to come.