Sunday, March 29, 2009

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 8

Title- Toddler Terrors of time travel (9/29/1990)

Worlds- Dark Land, Brooklyn

It’s funny, that there are so many coincidences about this show which are actually linked to the games. This is the first appearance of Baby Mario, Luigi and Bowser (although the Super Show may have actually done this first). Pretty funny really. Anyway the episode itself is ok. It’s a fun jaunt provided you don’t worry about the whole time travel aspect (you are watching a Mario cartoon and reading this on a website about said Mario cartoon so I would of thought you wouldn’t be too worried) It’s fun to see the references to the original show such as the ending and the whole sucked down a drain thing.
Kooky’s idea of pretending to be costumed plumbers was actually pretty good, as most shows would just ignore the fact they’re giant reptiles dressed as plumbers. Also Kooky gets two episodes in a row, still he deserved it as he’s one of the more interesting ones. Overall pretty fun but doesn’t really follow the game much.