Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 19

Title- Crimes R Us (11/10/1990)

Worlds- Dark Land, Grass Land

I really like this episode. It’s good to have a straight out villain other than Koopa and the idea of him wanting to ‘give his kids the chance he never had’ by getting the worst criminal on Earth to tutor them’s pretty hilarious to me. Also Clyde’s comment at the end was pretty funny too.

I read that people say it’s uncharacteristic of Cheatsy to give the kid his money back after he tricked the Mario Bros, but I think that if he’s following Clyde’s plan then that would be in character, as Clyde would think that if the kid didn’t get back the coin, then he’d tell others that even if they do what the Koopa’s say they won’t keep their word. Or maybe I’m thinking too hard about a kid’s cartoon.

Overall a great episode which is real fun to watch, especially the bank heist.