Sunday, March 29, 2009

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 2

Title- Reptiles in the Rose Garden (9/8/1990)

Worlds- Dark Land, America

A new feature to this show was the introduction of warpways to the real world (Earth) This was a way of the show getting away with so many American accents… I mean familiarising itself to the kids. Yeah. Still they didn’t lay it on thick as some cartoons do ‘cough’ Sonic X ‘weeze’

Kootie Pie makes her first true appearance here, in this case it’s her birthday and she wants America as a present (Don’t ask me why) So Koopa does what any loving parent would and loads his ultra cool Doomship with shock troops of Goombas and Sledge Bros. This is the Doomships first appearance in the show, with it’s cool music and ton of weapons and troops it quickly became a favourite of mine. The president seemed totally oblivious to anything going on around him since he just sat on the phone. Dark land was it’s usual dark and gloomy self but wasn’t really explored much.

Now the reason I love this episode is because it’s a prime example of what there is to like about the show. Koopa’s being made to look a loser due to him trying to constantly please his kid, the kid really deserves a kicking and the amount of cameos. There’s fire bros, boomerang bros, chain chomps, Sledge Bros and Mario and Luigi wear what looks like the Hammer suit although they only use it as a disguise and don’t throw hammers, but considering how rare the suit is in the game, this is nice, it almost makes up for the Tanooki suit never appearing.

Overall a great episode which has many cool cameos and a good introduction to some of the more numerous villains.