Sunday, March 29, 2009

The adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode 9

Title- Dadzilla (10/6/1990)

Worlds- Hollywood, Grass land (Dark Land cameo)

This episodes pretty fun actually. It’s the most common one on TV so I got a bit sick of it, but there are quite a few good moments. We get the first appearance of Fire Mario, and to be honest sometimes I prefer this version to the modern one. I mean Mario looks like he’s actually on fire which is pretty cool. Also fun is that the Princess refers to Hollywood as the ‘Hollywood Kingdom’. Helps show she is actually an alien.

Madzilla was pretty good actually. I mean he wasn’t just a mindless monster and didn’t even get a kick out of destroying. He just wanted to sleep. It made the Koopalings seem even more evil. Speaking of which, we get the first true appearance of Big Mouth, a character who I always thought actually seemed slightly… in the closet. Maybe it’s just my own prejudicial view of guys who hang around with girls mainly a lot more, but most who do who I know have turned out to be gay. Big Mouth is quite a fun character anyway due to his over dramatising of everything and his long rants which over exaggerate every situation.

Gotta say I loved the appearance of Madzilla’s Mum, and the fact the Koopalings forced Madzilla to make them into stars, which resulted in an actual reason for the Koopalings usual singing. One thing I liked about this show is there wasn’t any teenage character created for the show (eg. Although he wasn’t a teenager, Sonic X’s Chris Thorndyke, F-zero GP legend’s Rick Wheeler) and the only supposed teenagers were actually the villains, which was refreshing.

Overall a pretty good episode, although once again little from the games is shown.