Thursday, May 31, 2007

Captain N episode 25

Title- The Invasion Of The Paper Pedalers (December 22, 1990)

Game- Paperboy, Donkey Kong(cameo)

This episode’s pretty good, as a one off, it works. The Paperboy himself appears and the world is quite well used. I found it quite creepy the way the people became, trying to murder them by running them down in a car and Paperboy’s mum was especially frightening, Kevins face when the light smashes the table is hilarious.

This is also one of Wily’s few appearances, and as usual he comes across well. I like Wily and feel he’s one of the only members of Mother Brain’s team who’s worse than her, as the comics reveal even Mother Brain has a good side.

Overall a pretty cool one off, but not one of the best.