Thursday, May 31, 2007

Captain N episode 18

Title-The Big Game (October 20, 1990)

Game- Mega Man 2, California Games.

This episodes quite good. Whilst not exactly thrilling with the typical cliché of enemies playing American football against each other, it does have a fair few character building elements for Kevin. We learn more of Kevin’s life before he was brought to the gaming universe. We learn that he’s starting to miss his home and from the people at his school who get brought to the gaming universe by Wily, we learn how he was outside.

Speaking of the people from his school, they were brought in to fill numbers for the match I think. There’s four of them, one a Simon clone who doesn’t exactly get on well with Simon, I think he’s called Romeo but that may just be a passing nickname, then a giant idiot to put it nicely, then Rick Walker who’s the team captain type although he seems alright compared to most, Finally there’s a cheerleader called Stacy. The second two were the more interesting ones to see interact with the N team and really seemed like the more intended guests, rather than the other two fillers. Rick was smart enough to see that Kevin knew what he was doing and didn’t try to push him like the other two were. Stacy’s interactions with Lana were pretty good and helped build up Lana’s character.

The main highlight of the episode was the Megaman 2 robots. Many people complain about the designs on this show, but I found them great, they managed to appear far more threatening than being Megaman’s size and design. The football match cliché is partly avoided due to the fact that they’re facing the Robot Masters and they even use Megaman weapons and vehicles later. Now that’s how to do American Football!

Overall a pretty good episode but not one of the best.