Thursday, May 31, 2007

Captain N episode 19

Title-The Lost City of Kongoland (November 10, 1990)

Game- Donkey Kong.

I love this shows version of Donkey Kong. He manages to be funny and cool rather than just some King Kong rip-off.

I like this episode due to the Donkey Kong parts. I always found it cool how the tribesmen interacted with DK. They had a peace deal of food in exchange for peace, and the tribes people had plenty of food to share so no one lost. I also really liked the chief, Prince Plenty, who had some pretty humorous parts such as not really caring about the lost city of Kongoland rising until he realised it was rising in Donkey Kong’s cabin.

It was cool seeing a serious villain once in a while, there’s very few of them in the series but when they appear they’re usually good. The idea of Lana being taken over was cool and she managed to sound evil and as said was threatening. She single-handedly defeated Donkey Kong and the N team. Now that is threatening.

I liked the way Donkey Kong was shown in this episode due to the parts like him leaving home with a bowler hat and a suitcase, funny, plus him fighting the giant plant dinosaur was cool. Somehow the DK parts reminded me of DK Jungle beat.

Overall a pretty cool episode, great for DK fans.