Thursday, May 31, 2007

Captain N episode 14

Title- Gameboy (September 8, 1990)

Game- Metroid, Gameboy, Burgertime.

A new season, a new character. Sadly though, it seems they on purpose made the new character annoying. Gameboy has been seen as annoying by most fans of the show and I must say I agree. When you consider the list of characters they could of tried to add, Samus for example, like in the comics, she would make an interesting love triangle and also could’ve of not been revealed to be a woman till much later. Instead we end up with a computer with an attitude who states the obvious during every episode he’s in (Moblins attack ‘danger danger, Moblins are attacking’ rope bridge snaps ‘danger danger, bridge falling’.) Urgh.

Rant over, let’s talk about the actual episode. This is a very good episode and features Mother Brain as the main villain in Metroid. Metroid is very cool and well designed and it’s always good fun watching it animated.

The episode also features Burger Time, an arcade type game where you made enemies into burgers. Strangely the N team play the part of the baddies, and get their asses handed to them by Gameboy.

You see that’s the annoying thing about Gameboy. He had potential, he had cool powers, being able to generate creatures from him, scanning etc, but anything cool’s lost by his purposefully annoying dialog.

Overall a great episode that had potential to give us a cool new character, but it failed with Gameboy.