Monday, May 28, 2007

Captain N episode 12

Title- Metroid Sweet Metroid (November 25, 1989)

Game- Metroid, Megaland(cameo), Kid Icarus(cameo), Castlevania(cameo)

Mother Brain’s at her best when she wins, and this episode she tricks Kevin into believing she’s finally defeated. Then once the N team disperses she strikes. I liked the touch of Kevin asking why the real world was still a cartoon rather than normal (the live action scene from the real world). Also we didn’t find out Mother Brain had survived until it was too late.

It was cool watching Kevin fight through Metroid without a power pad or zapper. He used many upgrades from the game which rocked. I also liked seeing how everyone dealt with the end of the war, Simon actually showed a backbone and admitted Kevin was the real saviour, and seeing each of their homeworlds invaded was great.

The best part was the end though, seeing Mother Brain preparing her enemies execution made it again hit home how the universe would be if Mother Brain ruled.

Overall a great episode which elevates Mother Brains threat level.