Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Legend of Zelda episode 7

Title- Doppelganger (20/10/1989)

Does Gannon actually plan these raids? Seriously… I mean sending one Moblin on a frontal assault of the castle?

Anyway, this episodes ok. The evil Zelda was kinda cool, although with a name like Doppelganger, I really thought we’d see Shadow Link, especially as he’s actually the final boss of the second game, making him at that point on par with Gannon as the series antagonist. Whilst I guess the result of this episode is only really similar to possessed Zelda, or shadow Zelda from Smash Bros Brawl.

The episodes very basic, with Zelda kidnapped, and Link having to save her again. I really think if they saved her being kidnapped for a few episodes it would have been better, but here we are in Gannons castle again.

Good points? Well I suppose Link realising she’s a fake pretty quickly and playing along was a good change from the norm.

Oh well overall a pretty boring episode.