Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Legend of Zelda episode 2

Title- Cold Spells (15/9/1989)

Well here we are at episode 2. Where do we go from an opening episode where Gannon disguised as a travelling wizard steals the Triforce? Why to an episode about spring cleaning of course you silly silly readers…

Lets get the good parts out of the way. Well the way Zelda defeated the bird was pretty funny, and… well Gannon riding that giant beetle slug thing was kinda cool, and… Hmm… that’s about it. Well ok, the end battles kinda cool with Gohma.

We get Zelda being bitchy, a main plot that would be a background plot on any other show (spring cleaning) and Gannon going from badass sorcerer to burglar with a swag bag. He gets both Triforces, something he rarely manages in this series, and yet gets his ass kicked by Link still. I mean if he was about to put them both together and Link interrupted him fine, but that’s not it. He had the two Triforces, meaning he had all the power in Hyrule, and he didn’t even seem any stronger. I wouldn’t go on about it if it weren’t for the fact the whole plot of the show, is ‘Don’t let Gannon get both Triforce pieces or we’re doomed!’ Yet Gannon has both and it doesn’t even make any difference whatsoever.

Oh also I guess it stars Sprite as she gets cursed or something, yet really she does barely anything other than shoot Gohma. I find it cool that there’s a fairy before Ocarina of Time was even talked about, but at the same time, she’s incredibly annoying, and yes that is even compared with Navi.

Overall a pretty average episode for this show, which means you can’t get any more boring.