Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Legend of Zelda episode 6

Title- That Sinking feeling (13/10/1989)

Holy crap. That’s how I feel after watching this episode. It did something this show hasn’t done so far, and instead of simply being an average/good episode of the show, became an excellent episode in its own right. When I joked about Gannon having kidnapped/stolen everything he could of, I forgot that in this episode, he brings the whole of Hyrule Castle into the underworld.

Not even the series annoyances ruin this episode, as Link wanting a kiss is actually slightly humorous in this episode, and Zelda actually not only does something, but decides enough is enough with Gannon and tries to beat him for good. Also she actually uses Magic to fight Gannon with, and we get to see Link actually using weapons from the games, something we usually see way too little of.

Overall an absolutely awesome episode, even if it follows the typical episode outline of this series.