Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Legend of Zelda episode 5

Title- Sing for the Unicorn (6/10/1989)

This episode’s very good. We spend yet another episode with Link going to Gannons Lair because he steals/kidnaps someone, which gets really repetitive after this episode as really we’ve had everything imaginable stolen/kidnapped now that the Kings finally been kidnapped. That beam of Light that the Kings trapped by is awesome, and we actually get a look at Gannons real Palace from the front Gate (instead of the boring throne room with the big jar we’ve sat through in the last episodes) and it’s pretty awesome. I especially liked the Armos knights at the front gate.

Also the ninja was cool until she opened her mouth with possibly one of the most offensive voices in the series. I know they had to have her speak a language we don’t understand, but to have her speak in a helium induced/sped up voice just to say she’s foreign is a pretty weird choice. Also there’s never any explanation of how Zelda communicated with her, and Link never questions it.

That said, we get an awesome Gannon vs Link fight for once (well compared to the rest in this series.) and then there’s the Magic Flute, which has that great tune from the game. Also, I want to say, this music in this series is amazing, really, it’s one of the few things they didn’t screw up, I think some of its even orchestrated.

Overall another good episode, much better than the last, and on par with 3.