Thursday, April 2, 2009

Super Mario World episode 8

Title- Party Line (11/2/1991)

Worlds- Dinosaur Land

This is the first episode of this series I ever saw. It’s ok. I mean I like the fact Luigi actually does something, as he never even gets to use any power-ups in this series, I mean no cape, or Fire Flower, he only gets to be invincible in this episode.

We get to see the wigglers return again, in their perpetually angry form. I find this a shame as their main purpose was the fact they’re these slow peaceful creatures who become angry monsters as soon as something happens to them, so it would have been fun to see that animated. Ah well.

One of the annoying things about this is the dinosaur appearing. I mean yeah it’s Dinosaur Land and all that but couldn’t they of tried to make something from the games attack? I dunno what though really. Also Koopa’s missing again.

Overall another ok episode, but the plot of giving the cave people something which they abuse really got old at this point.