Thursday, April 2, 2009

Super Mario World episode 11

Title- The Yoshi Shuffle(11/30/1991)

Worlds- Dinosaur Land

Some actual funny cave people? Say it ain’t so! This episode has these 3 awesome cavepeople who never appear again. I mean sure they don’t do much, and they have no personality, but at least they actually fight against Koopa. Whilst I loath episodes where characters play American football, this is fun. It’s also a good way to include Chargin’ Chucks.

Also we get the first appearance in this episode of the Yoshi egg… yeah exciting. More exciting are the appearances of Ninji’s in the crowd and who attack Mario later (whilst Mario’s riding Yoshi)

Finally I liked the appearance of the random Koopa Wizard, I mean does Bowser even know what half these guys are up to, suppose he just sends them out to hang around various places.

Overall a pretty fun episode.