Thursday, April 2, 2009

Super Mario World episode 3

Title- Send in the Clown (9/28/1991)

Worlds- Dinosaur Land, King Koopa's Coney Island Disco Palace

This episode is probably the series swansong. I love it. It has so many villains show up, a funny part with the whole circus, Koopa fully in control and not following one of his kid’s plans, and the actual final boss from the game. Yes this episode has the only true final battle from the games. Koopa in his clown car (fitting with the theme of the episode) and he drops those balls to crush Mario, throws out the Mecha Koopas, even has the princess in with him. He even gets beaten in the same way, it’s pretty awesome.

This episode also has the appearance of many enemies, those giant dinosaurs who turn into smaller ones, Rex’s, Chargin’ Chucks, Dry Bones, even the Ball on chain and Gray Bowser statues. The outfit Mario wears at the end even looks like the outfit he wears on the box of Mario all-stars. Oh also we get a precursor to Mario Tennis… ok, maybe that’s pushing it.

Overall a great episode. If only this series had more like this. Also gotta love the Twilight Zone Reference.