Sunday, April 19, 2009

Super Mario Amada Series Episode 3

Title- Super Mario Shirayuki-hime‎

Toru Furuya as Mario
Miyako Endou as Princess Peach, Toad, Morton Koopa Jr., Wendy O. Koopa
Masaharu Satou as Bowser, Larry Koopa, Iggy Koopa
Naoki Tatsuta as Luigi, Papa, Roy Koopa, Lemmy Koopa, Ludwig von Koopa Toshiko Sawada as Narrator

Oh wow… Queen Bowser? I don’t get why the mirror says she’s the fairest in the land other than Peach, dear God who else lives in this place? This episode is, probably actually the second best, I mean I must admit I was prejudiced against it due to it being based on Snow White, but this allows for typical Disney style violence (such as Bowser holding Peach at knife point, it’s nice to see actual danger in a kids cartoon.)

Anyway, this is pretty fun, I mean it’s kinda cool how Mario’s not really the main focus of this episode, and is even on a journey separate from the storyline, he just helps Peach out occasionally. We also get a lot of action, with Mario kicking the Koopaling’s asses twice (although I dunno where Morton goes after the first fight) but the Koopalings are still pretty much generic thugs. I love the part where as apposed to kissing Peach to save her Mario gives her ‘A potion that he got off a goddess in a faraway land’… that is such a WTF solution it makes the next part seem completely mundane by comparison.

We actually see some minions attack Mario, in this case Goombas, then we get more craziness where Mario absorbs all the Toads to grow in size, and kicks Koopaling ass again. Then when Queen Koopa has Peach at knife point, Luigi appears out of nowhere, cracks Bowser’s skull with a mallet and kicks her stomach. Then they throw Bowser out of a window. The end.

Overall, wow, I mean sure it’s pretty silly, but it’s so off the wall it’s great. Also it’s cool to finally see Luigi in this series, even if he has an appearance that would make Venom of Spider-man 3 seem an overused character.