Monday, May 28, 2007

Captain N episode 9

Title-Nightmare On Mother Brain's Street (November 4, 1989)

Game- Wizards and Warriors

This episode has a great premise and manages to live up to it. Lana’s tricked into eating a poisoned apple ala Snow White and it’s up to Kevin and Simon to try to wake her. Kevin on a team with just Simon at this point trying to save Lana’s bound to not go well. Simon’s funny and is actually a good hero despite being the butt of many jokes, but here he’s ruthless, he’s constantly trying to get one over Kevin and actually (maybe unintentionally) almost kills Kevin.

The dreams were cool as they showed us what the N teams nightmares were, Kid Icarus gets shot by his own bow, Mega Man gets frozen by Ice Man and Simon hilariously is in a Mr Videoverse contest until his hair all falls out, and his teeth and his belly becomes fat.

Malkil seemed cool, and was the mastermind behind the plot. I don’t know really why Mother Brain needed to be here but it did seem slightly like he was using her, which always gains a villain points in my book.

Overall a good episode that really shows us how badly Simon treated others at the start of the shows run.