Monday, May 28, 2007

Captain N episode 3

Title- The Most Dangerous Game Master (September 23, 1989)

Game- Castlevania

This is a brilliant episode. Kevin meets his match, we get to see what personally affects him. On top of that the main place we get to see is Castlevania, and it looks amazing. The art department is full out and whilst it’s not as fantastic as the pilot’s art it still is brilliant. Much of the art in the first season is. This episodes celebrity is the Count himself, it was cool seeing he’s Simon’s greatest fear, his arch enemy, the Count’s very cool and his bat version’s disgusting to look at. Kevin’s life outside the gaming universe is shown in this episode, not literally but through the fact he’s bullied, it’s amazing that he can fight the likes of Mother Brain and the Count but is afraid of the bully. It was only fitting that the two have a race through Castlevania, this game separates the men from the boys almost as well as Megaman does.

It was quite surprising to see Mother Brain’s final act, normally in these type of shows you don’t feel sorry for characters, but the ending was quite sad and proved what Mother Brain was capable of.

A great episode, the only flaws a little continuity error with Dr Wily’s creation existing before he even found out from Kevin’s memories what to build. Ah well, the rest of the episode more than makes up for it.