Monday, May 28, 2007

Captain N episode 4

Title-Videolympics (September 30, 1989)

Games- Donkey Kong(cameo) Punch Out (cameo) Mega Man (cameo), Kid Icarus

A very good episode, this is part of the only two parter in the show. This episode centres around a Videolympics that will supposedly finally end the conflict in video land. Yeah, right, I suppose though it may seem stupid, it shows that they’re desperate to end the war. I loved the cameos and getting to see Punch Out.

The wrestling match was funny. The teams characters weren’t quite as well developed in this episode, other than Kevin who’s revealed to enjoy sport, still I guess if you build the characters up it gives you freedom to just use them, there are of course still some character developing moments, one is the cereal box argument, Kid Icarus has an important point here, since his reason for being on the box is simply that it’s on his world, it kinda shows how insignificant he feels he is, since the others say they should be on there due to their strength or handsomeness (guess who said that…) which shows he feels he has no real qualities.

There was also a few other cameos that were fun such as a koopa trooper in the crowd and the mega man 1 style obstacle course. The best one though is the life size Donkey Kong acade replica, it rocks.

This episode overall has some great parts but the conclusion outweighs it.