Monday, May 28, 2007

Captain N episode 13

Title- Happy Birthday, Megaman (December 2, 1989)

Game- Megaman I guess. The Wizard of Oz (if there was a game on it)

This episode’s a strange one to end the series with but enjoyable. Whilst it’s not based on any game and takes place in a load of different little hmm… well not even moons I guess, it still has a fair few guest characters. Dr Wright and for the only time Megagirl appear in this episode. There’s a strange variety of places that appear. Probably the strangest one is fun land. The clown guy’s actually quite unsettling and there’s a few strange but funny parts.

Simon is hilarious in this part where they get to have their favourite thing, which is supposed to make them never want to leave the place. Simon of course gets a mirror image of himself saying he’ll show him round the place. Also Megaman is simply inserted with a happiness chip, almost like drugs for robots.

This episode is based around Megaman’s quest to gain humanity and has a quite surprising ending.

Overall a great episode that changed Megaman permanently, which is a nice way to leave off a season. Strange Mother Brain’s absent though.