Sunday, August 1, 2010

Donkey Kong Country Episode 5

Title- Kong for a day

‘Now for a Barrel Roll!’ = why Funky rocks. ‘Take a chill pill Diddy, I haven’t got a future, and do I look bummed?’ Funky rocks so hard lol. Also I forgot to mention, but its cool Diddy actually jumps on his hat when he’s angry like in the first game. This episode’s awesome.

I admit I was looking forward to seeing this episode as it was the first one with Dixie in it, who was always my favorite playable character in the games. I read that her character was completely changed, and the picture of her I found when first looking up the series looked awful, which is funny as she actually looks completely better in the actual episode. She looks pretty similar to the games version, with the only real difference being her shirt or whatever you call it.

This episode was really enjoyable and had some great parts. In fact the only part I didn’t like was how DK became outcast, I mean it was pretty stupid for them all to blame DK because of a banana, I mean yeah it’s a kids show, but at least AOSMB3 actually made smarter reasons (although still pretty dumb sometimes) for things than ‘It’s a banana that grows on the island so it must be DK!’.

We got more fun with Diddy becoming future ruler, which was pretty funny actually, especially his fighting which consisted of being shot and running around whilst being bitten by the Klaptraps.

Oh and the thing with Krusha being able to do perfect imitations was cool, and the scene with DK and Dixie seemed kinda creepy, and very strange for a kids cartoon.

Also I want to take this point to say, that DK’s voice actor is a great singer, I actually really enjoyed his song when he’s outcast and didn’t find it a part to skip like I do sometimes with guys like Klump and Skurvey.

Overall probably my favourite so far.