Sunday, August 1, 2010

Donkey Kong Country Episode 2

Title- Ape Foo Young

The second episode, and the first episode I saw with Candy Kong. Why is that important? Because honestly, I can’t stand this version of Candy. I guess it's because they changed her so radically, compared to the others who had the odd tweak but still had a similar design. I could stand her having a different personality, but the way they just completely changed her design was kinda pointless. All I mean is, if she wasn't called Candy, she wouldn't even really be her. That said, I guess I agree that Candy was never one of the best characters in the games, in fact they dropped her after the first one and she didn't return until the N64 game.

Anyway, what about the actual episode? Well it was pretty crap to be honest. I mean there were bonuses, such as Cranky actually trying to regain his original glory and Baby Donkey Kong, who actually is in the games now. Baby Kong is also the reason this episode sucks. This is since the majority of the episode is spent on a corny chase for baby DK and that’s about it. Also there’s the typical King Krool running around with Crystal Coconut and it getting tossed around to everyone.

Another thing I have to mention, is that it’s strange how both Cranky getting involved in potion making and the Crystal Coconut(s) originated here, and appeared later in DK64.

Overall, pretty boring episode, with a couple of good points, like Diddy trying to be a hero and failing miserably, and Cranky’s youth, but it spends far too much time with Baby DK.