Sunday, August 1, 2010

Donkey Kong Country Episode 3

Title- Booty and the Beast

What’s worse than pirates? Singing pirates of course. I admit, it made me laugh, and Neil Ross isn’t too bad at voicing a pirate and singing. This was a pretty good episode actually, especially the part where Cranky tries to tell DK not to come inside subtly and DK being his usual stupid self just walks in.

DK actually fought some people here, which was cool, as he should be strong enough to win a fight, I mean if he’s dumb and runs away from more enemies than fights them, like characters in most non-superhero cartoons then he really wouldn’t be much of a hero at all. The Klaptrap was kinda weird, and the ending was even slightly sinister, with him implying he might eat DK or the Crystal Coconut at some point.

Overall a pretty good episode.