Friday, July 30, 2010

A History In Animation- Pit


So Pit’s finally got a true new game after many years. And so I can’t think of a better time to do an article on Pit’s appearances in animation. The very first thing I should comment on, is that Pit was actually called Kid Icarus on the show, I’d imagine simply because the writers presumed that Pit had the game named after him like with Mario or Megaman. The name Pit never comes up in the show, so it’s not a case of him being Kid Icarus Pit like King Bowser Koopa on the Mario cartoon. Anyway, moving on, Pit was actually probably the closest on the N-team to his original portrayal. If you’ll look at the art for the first (and until the recent announcement, only) two games, you’ll notice he’s got a similar haircut (excluding the colour and Cowlick across his eye) and the clothing’s pretty similar. The main differences were that Pit in the show can fly constantly whereas in the game he can’t until he gets the Wings of Pegasus (so I presume in the cartoon he already has them). Also another major difference, is that like Green Arrow, he has many different arrows which do different things, for example, he has a Buzzsaw arrow, a Love at first sight arrow, even a Bon Voyage party arrow (which causes his foe to get a party hat, party blower and some balloons which lift them up into the sky… yeah…) All the people who come from Pit’s homeworld of Mount Icarus add “Icas” to their words, such as “We’re going home-Icas” This is actually said more often than Megaman saying “Mega” before his sentences, so I presume it’s a verbal tick whereas Megaman just says it for some reason (especially as none of the other Robot Masters seem to say it…)

One key aspect of Kid Icarus’s character in the show was that he was small and (at least implied) to be a kid. As such there was an episode, “Wishful Thinking” where he wished himself big, which led to him getting too big etc. Anyway, this could actually be similar to the actual game version since one of the best endings results in Pit growing bigger (as seen above) and the more recent versions of Pit seem more adolescent.

The main aim of the game is for Pit to retrieve the three Sacred Treasures. Each of them is guarded by a boss and once Pit has them all he faces the final boss. They appear in the episodes “Videolympics” and “Mega Trouble for Megaland”. However in the cartoon, they are simply three chests that seem to allow Motherbrain to become extremely powerful and do things like warp the N-team to the Warpzone to oblivion (no not the game…) and revive fallen troops. This greatly differs from the game, in which the three sacred treasures are the Arrow of Light, The Wings of Pegasus and The Mirror Shield. The series actually also has two of these items, in the same episode which are said to be the only force capable of defeating the three Sacred Treasures (which apparently only Pit can wield, mainly due to him being the best archer.) As mentioned previously, I assume Pit constantly had the Wings of Pegasus as he can fly indefinitely in the show.

The Mirror Sheild appears first sitting beside the other three power objects and later when it’s used against Medusa. Later on in the episode, it’s used by Simon to absorb Fire Man’s attack.

Finally we have light arrows, which as you can see appear as arrows which are magically glowing. This is actually pretty close to the original, which was blue but was also a glowing arrow. The only issue as with much of Kid Icarus in Captain N, is that they’re named Fire Arrows instead of Light Arrows. Still it’s pretty close. Also, Pit uses that sacred Bow with it, which is actually slightly similar to the sacred bow from Brawl’s version of Pit as it’s gold.

Finally, voice wise, the cartoon’s Pit is pretty different from the modern English voice. Pit sounds like a teenager with both however, but he sounds more grown up in Brawl which actually supports my idea that the Brawl version is meant to be a grown up version.