Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fire Emblem Episode 2

Title- Crimson Warrior‎

I already gave my basic opinions of this show in the first review, so I’m just reviewing this one. This episode is the better of the two, and it’s a great example of how much potential this series had. The characters are fleshed out yet still keep a sense of mystery. The best example of this is Nabarl, who gets a lot more character development than in the game, but still keeps the sense of mystery his character needs. I like Nabarl. He manages to be dark and moody without going overboard as many characters do (#cough#Shadow#cough#) We also get many character developments. As I said in the last review, Shiida wasn’t that good in the last episode, but here she becomes much better, not just thinking about Marth all the time, but also as in the game we learn that she has a history with Ogma and is the one who influences Nabarl to change.

We get a great fight scene, and the atmosphere is really great. I love the cold bleak feeling of the thieves base, and the contrast with the bright sunny port town that the group liberate from pirates. Also it's nice to see that the games towns are so well shown, something that was a town icon on the map is a giant port town in the anime. The characterisations are still great too.

The only flaws I can see in the episode are that the main theme for Fire Emblem doesn’t play till the end of both episodes, and while it is awesome when it kicks in, it would be more fitting to go with the title screen. I dunno if the other music’s actually from the game or not, but it fits in nicely anyway. The other flaw, is that some of the minor characters are ignored who should make an appearance, such as the pirate, Darros who can join you, but equally he wasn't in the SNES remake which this is based on or something. It's funny to think that Darros could of been one of those pirates who ran off, or he could of been one of those many unnamed soldiers with Marth.

And that’s it. Overall a great sign of how good this series was on the way to being. I suggest if you’ve played the game and enjoyed it, watch it. These two episodes are so faithful that it’s worth it.