Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fire Emblem Episode 1

Title- Prince of Aritia (although following the new DS game, it would be Altea.)‎

I have to say that without a doubt, this is one of the most faithful game to tv series I’ve seen. Sadly said tv series only had two episodes made, I don’t know if it never caught on, or the production company went bankrupt, but no more were made. It’s an awful shame because this is one of the finest shows based on a game I’ve seen. I guess the real reason, is that this isn’t slapstick fun like most American cartoons (compare to Zelda, Sonic, Mario, Captain N) but rather more mature dark characters. One simple example of this, is outright killing. Now I’ll be the first to admit that the Super Mario Bros Super Show was actually pretty violent. I mean that episode where the Thunder Birdo is fed a bomb by Toad and blows up is pretty sick, as we never see it again, meaning it wasn’t a typical cartoon style explosion, with them stood there after with soot all over. Still, this show has people being sliced up by swords. Nothing really gory is shown, but it’s still much more violent than most other Nintendo animation.

Anyway, I’m the first one to say that violence in movies, games, and cartoons shouldn’t really have an effect on how good something is (my thoughts on Watchmen being a prime example.) but when you have a cartoon based on a game about war, you expect some violence. Anyway, another key point I must mention here is that this is a review of the Subbed Japanese version. The reason why is that Marth’s voice actor from the Japanese version is the same one from Smash Bros. I feel this makes the Japanese version the more authentic one. Anyway, on to the review.

We are quickly put into the middle of the plot, and whilst it doesn’t fit with the DS game, that was a remake which added to the original, so when this was made it fit into the game’s timeline pretty well. We get a good look at Marth’s upbringing through flashbacks, also good is to see that while his father was a good leader, he did beat Marth for not being ‘brave enough’ (due to him freezing whilst he’s meant to be killing a deer when he’s a young boy.) I’m not going to say he’s abused, as really in the time setting (even if it is fantasy) it was probably commonplace. Anyway, we also get an explanation of why Marth has a Tiara. One of my favourite parts of the Fire Emblem series is how each and every character seems to have a backstory and reason for being in the conflict. This does transfer to this ‘series’ but I feel is shown much better in episode two. That said, the meeting Marth has with his knights is a pretty good scene, with various characters arrogance, wisdom and different backgrounds coming into their idea of what should be done. The other two characters who get most of the development in this episode are Sheeda and Jaigon. Of the characters, Jaigon’s my favourite in the games, and is still here. He’s Obiwan to Marth’s Luke, and guides him, but accepts Marth’s plans too. One thing I really enjoyed was the King’s last stand scene, where we get a small view that the King had a similar relationship with Jaigon as Marth has. As for Sheeda, she’s ok. I mean she’s the typical female lead. Sadly, while we do get a lot of relationship stuff with her and Marth, she doesn’t really get much character development in this episode beyond worrying about her father.

The final battle in this episode is pretty damn good. The pirates are the ruthless town destroying brutes from the games, and we get some good scenes of the fights. Jaigon for such a frail looking old man is pretty deadly with a sword. Also good is that Shiida does get to do some damage, however she becomes a typical hostage in the final confrontation between Marth and the head pirate. Still I guess it’s only as she was off her horse trying to help her father and was jumped by him that she was taken, and she did fight back. Finally the appearance of the four mercaneries at the end was cool and unexpected as they don’t appear in game until the next chapter.

The various classes from the games are shown pretty well, but the best has to be the giant armoured knight guy, Draug looking down on the two pirates whilst he towers above them.

Anyway, overall, a great first episode, that serves as a great intro to the characters and plot, but not as good as the second episode.