Friday, June 1, 2007

Captain N episode 31

Title- A Tale of Two Dogs (October 12, 1991)

Game- Megaman 3

Another great episode that uses it’s game well. We’re introduced to Rush who’s pretty cool except the voice. Also we get to see Doc Wily actually left to his own devices for once. Wily really is quite ruthless, I mean alone he’s achieved more than Mother Brain’s team ever really did, defeating Kevin and Megaman for a while. Still he got beaten in the end as usual. Doc Robot was cool, I think he’s based on that Gutsman lookalike out of the game, but it was cooler him being built in Wily’s image.

Overall there were a few bad designs and Megaman sounded deeper, but other than that it was a great episode, on par with Castlevania’s season 3 episode.