Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kirby TV Channel.

Kirby TV Channel(Limited time.)

I thought just to get back into the spirit of reviews, I'd make a quick review of the Kirby channel. There's not much to say, the main page shows the latest episodes that are up, whilst the Episode Timetable says when episodes will be up, and when they will be taken down. Episode 1 is available until the channel ends. Also it's possible to unlock episodes you've missed with keys, you simply watch an available episode to the end in order to get a key, which you then use to unlock episodes that are now unavailable. There's some nice remixed music from the games for the menus. As for the actual episodes, they have a border on either side, but the screen isn't noticibly squashed or anything. Overall, for something that's entirely free provided you have internet, it's pretty good. Nice and easy to use menus with some nice background music.