Monday, June 22, 2009

A history in animation- The Koopalings

The Koopaling's

Well with the recent announcement of their new appearance in New Super Mario Bros Wii, I felt it was the right time to do a History in Animation of the Koopalings. Above is their artwork from Super Mario bros 3 on the left is their most recent appearance and on the right are the AOSMB3 versions. We will go through them all individually and compare their animated versions to game versions. Also note that I will not be saying much about their Anime appearances, as they barely even talk, and all are pretty much a perfect copy of their artwork. There’s no need to do individual comparisons for their appearances in the anime films.

The first main difference that applies to the whole group are that each of their names is different to their game names. The reason behind this I believe is that they didn’t have names in Japan. This means the names for them were created by Nintendo of America, thus the names based on various musicians. So when the series was started, the cartoon writers had to write their own names for them. Resulting in the differences.

Secondly they all have at least one difference from their game artwork. The reasons for this I can come up with range from them using the in-game sprites to base their appearances on, to them simply changing certain parts to animate better. I believe they actually did base them off the artwork as otherwise I’m sure the colours would match the sprites. Anyway, onto the individual kids…

Larry Koopa/ Cheatsy Koopa
Larry is, in the games, the youngest, but in the cartoon Hip and Hop are so Cheatsy’s somewhere in the middle. He’s quite often portrayed as weak, which could be said to be in his cartoon character too. Cheatsy has an overbite, squint and shorter untidier hair than Larry. Larry doesn't seem to have much character in the games beyond simply wanting to help his father and kill Mario. From the ending of NSMBW it could be suggested that he has very little stamina being the last one to return to Bowser. So we have Cheatsy who fittingly is the cheating scheming liar, something like a cross between a weasel and an insurance salesman. As such he’s pretty weak, and the sort who would pay the bullies to bully his enemies. He’s pretty small compared to his brothers and sister, except Hip and Hop. He’s seemingly Koopa’s second most common assistant (the name I give to the Koopa Kid he has with him in his schemes) and only Kooky seemingly ranks higher than him. He’s also fiercely intelligent in business and sabotage matters. In his most recent appearance he seems to be practically the same as his original artwork, with the exception of his shell now being blue and him losing two fangs. His voice is higher than the cartoon version but it has a sort of ducklike quality to it slightly... I really am not a good judge of sound...

Morton JR Koopa/Big Mouth Koopa
Morton has always been the odd Koopaling out to me. He’s huge but pretty weak (well at least in the first game) has a weird birthmark and a unique shell. Also he has the least character in my opinion (a real feat compared to his siblings). Larry’s the youngest, Iggy and Lemmy seem to be twins, Wendy is the daughter, Roy’s the big brute and Ludwig’s the oldest and seemingly most like his father in threat levels. Morton’s… the big but weak loser, the runt. That’s why I think the idea of making him a ranting wind bag is pretty good. He’s all bark and no bite and seems almost completely different in the cartoon. For one thing, he’s a lot smaller, and while he still has a unique shell, it’s purple as opposed to black. He still keeps the huge eyelashes and star, but his face is not as fat as before. He doesn’t seem to hang around with Koopa at all alone, and seems to always be with his siblings, most often Kootie Pie. When I said his barks worse than his bite, I didn’t mean just in strength, but in intelligence too. In the SMW cartoon, he seemed to only ever really play any roles as an announcer, beyond that he didn’t do much in the show, much like his siblings. In NSMBW Morton is pretty much the same as his original artwork, with the exception of having a black shell as opposed to a grey one. He's also a lot bigger, even compared to his siblings. Voice wise he sounds very stupid (I mean his character not that he has a stupid voice). Strangely he's actually the second last Koopaling meaning he's stronger than most of the others for once.

Wendy O. Koopa/Kootie Pie Koopa
Well Wendy’s the female, and that’s about it for her character. As for Kootie Pie, she’s a typical spoilt brat. In differences in design, her bow’s bigger, and her lips are smaller. Other than that, she’s pretty accurate. She seems to be smart in getting her way, but beyond that she’s pretty stupid as shown in ‘Venice Menace’. As such she’s usually simply causing Koopa’s schemes by screaming about wanting things which he then tries to get, such as taking over a country. As such she could be considered Koopa’s third in command, or even in command as she can control Koopa most of the time through whining. She looks exactly the same as her original art in NSMBW being the only Koopaling with no changes. Wendy's voice is slightly similar when she screeches and screams, but her regular voice is nowhere near as screechy as the cartoon version. Also in battle she dances around a lot which could perhaps be similar to Kootie Pie's character due to the whole Milli Vanilli episode.

Iggy Koopa/Hop Koopa
It’s funny. Iggy Koopa and Lemmy Koopa always were the twins in my view, but really that whole idea was from the cartoon. Sure they have similar hair colour, and similar strange eyes, but really Iggy has his own character. He looks pretty psychotic and is described in game as ‘demented’. Hop on the other hand, while he’s pretty similar beyond his age, size and eyes, is just Hip’s twin. That’s it, there’s really no unique characteristics. They’re both portrayed as more naïve than evil, but beyond that they have no real character, no funny comments, they’re just there. He was changed the most in NSMBW, now sporting green hair and being taller, he seems to be a more grown up version. I don't think there's a character change as drastic on here as Iggy, not only does he look different, he acts the complete opposite of the cartoon version and sounds completely different. He's insane in NSMBW and is the only boss to use a completely different method to fight, being on a Chain Chomp drawn carriage. His voice is loads of insane screams and insane laughter, but he has a much deeper voice than the cartoon version (of course not as deep as Roy, Morton or Ludwig.)

Roy Koopa/Bully Koopa
Roy is the big brutish thug. He jumps and causes shockwaves and is the third eldest I believe in the games. In the Cartoon, he’s the eldest, yet he really seems to be missing a lot. He only really ‘stars’ in one episode, and even then he loses it to Koopa. As an example of how little he appears, the anime version does more. I mean sure they appear for a few seconds, but at least he uses his strength to fight, Bully only uses his strength against Mario in the SMW episode ‘The Yoshi Shuffle’. Other than that he’s not really there. His design is practically the same as his artwork, except the neck collar and he only has one spike on his shell. He's pretty much the same in NSMBW except his shells Purple rather than pink now. He also has seemingly longer arms in the cartoon and NSMBW than the original games. His voice in NSMBW is slightly lower and he's lost the brooklyn accent.

Lemmy Koopa/Hip Koopa

Lets see. This guy’s the second oldest, the smallest and most seemingly insane Koopaling (a real accomplishment in this family). So how do we make him into a cartoon character? Well you make him a complete clone of his brother. Oh boy. For Hip’s description read Hop’s and replace each Hop with Hip. Got it skip? Anyway, he doesn’t have the cross eyes in the cartoon, and his hair is thinner. Also he has only one spike on his shell. At least his ball appeared for one small scene. He gains a ponytail and a yellow shell in NSMBW. His voice is almost exactly the same as the cartoon version, being the closest Koopaling's voice on here.

Ludwig Von Koopa/Kookie Von Koopa
Easily my favourite Koopaling. Ludwig is the toughest and oldest Koopaling. Often called the cruellest in game descriptions, he has all of his sibling’s abilities, and even his father’s fire. He’s as big as Roy but far more intelligent, even in the games I believe. Kooky kind of disproves my theory slightly, as why they’d use Von in his name without knowing his game name I don’t have a clue. Of course he is a mad scientist in the cartoon so maybe they just coincidently gave him the name Von as a reference to the many German scientists in history? Anyway, Kooky is just as awesome as Ludwig, and while he’s not the oldest now, he’s still the second eldest and more importantly, he is intelligent enough and big enough to beat Bully any day. That’s why he seems to be Koopa’s 2nd in command and is almost always involved in every scheme due to his genius inventions. The most immediate difference is his hair is much messier, and he’s smaller. He also only has one spike on his shell (like Bully and Hip). Luckily he still has the single tooth. He has an awesome voice I feel, especially the laugh and as I said earlier. He's pretty much the same as his artwork in NSMBW with his only difference being his shell is now dark blue. His voice is quite different, yet has similarities. He has a much lower voice (although not like Roy or Morton) but also seems to sound the most refined, especially just before his first boss battle. This fits quite well with Kookies type of speech, although he doesn't have his insane laugh.

And that’s it for now. Personally I think the Koopalings are great, and Bowser Jr being their replacement of sorts for a few years has made me yearn for their return even more. Good job they’re finally coming back. And that's it for the Koopalings.